The Red-Green Performance Approach
09-Mar-2021 1848
When it comes to advising teams and organizations on how to approach web performance and scaling issues as a group, I frequently see two problems:There are no defined requirements. The app should be "fast" and "scalable", but no one agrees on what those words mean.Performance is continuously monitored, usually by the one person on the team who can understand the dashboards involved. No one else ever looks at the dashboards.This situation sets a team up for a web perf failure. In this situation, there is really no way for performance work to ever get into the team's development pipeline. Since there are no standards for failure, any perceived performance change can always be punted into the future. In addition, there's probably no understanding of whether or not the app is slow at all, as that knowledge is locked away in the head of the one team member who made and monitors the performance dashboards.
The Red-Green Performance Approach #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Red-Green #Performance #Approach #performance