The official ruby snap is available
29-Nov-2018 2566
We released the official snap package of Ruby language. is a package system developed by Canonical. It allows you to distribute a software with its dependencies for many different Linux systems. This solves the problem that a user cannot install the latest Ruby release from the default repository of their system like in rpm or apt.On Ubuntu 16.04 or later, you can use Ruby snap with the following command: sudo snap install ruby -classic(If you use other Linux distributions, please refer to snap uses the “channel” feature to release multiple Ruby series concurrently. For example, without specifying a channel, 2.5.3 will be installed. But if you want to use Ruby 2.4, specify the 2.4 channel like the following:.
The official ruby snap is available #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #official #available