The MIR C interpreter and Just-in-Time (JIT) compiler
29-Apr-2021 1487
For the past two years I’ve worked on a project implementing a universal lightweight Just-in-Time (JIT) compiler known as MIR. The cornerstone of the project is a machine-independent medium-level intermediate representation (MIR).A big part of the project consists of code that compiles C source code into MIR. Because MIR can be interpreted and just-in-timed, I easily extended this C-to-MIR compiler into a C interpreter and JIT compiler.I have previously written about other parts of the MIR project (see MIR: A lightweight JIT compiler project, but I never wrote in detail about the C-to-MIR compiler, C interpreter, or JIT. In this article, I would like to correct these omissions.
The MIR C interpreter and Just-in-Time (JIT) compiler #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #interpreter #Just-in-Time #(JIT) #compiler #compiler