The looming demise of the 10x developer: Why an era of enthusiast programmers is coming to an end
14-Jul-2023 790
I’ve recently been telling anyone who will listen that I am excited to be on the precipice of using Sorbet to write a type-checked edition of Mocktail that has the potential to unlock productivity workflows never before possible in Ruby.I’m not there yet.I don’t want to say it’s been a “quagmire,” but I’m over 150 commits in, and there’s a lot left to button up before release. It’s been a real challenge. Learning Sorbet at all takes a good chunk of time, to be sure. I’ve also hit a number of thorny edge cases and elusive bugs along the way (both in the type system itself and that the type system exposed in my code). And, like usual, I’m trying to do something that’s never quite been done before, so I’m constantly oscillating between feelings of nervous excitement and fear that I’m attempting the impossible. (Though it’s been made far more possible thanks to the generous assistance of Ufuk Kayserilioglu, Kevin Newton, and Jake Zimmerman!).
The looming demise of the 10x developer: Why an era of enthusiast programmers is coming to an end #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #looming #demise #developer: #enthusiast #programmers #coming #developer: #programmers