The great Rubykon Benchmark 2020: CRuby vs JRuby vs TruffleRuby
27-Aug-2020 1694
It has been far too long, more than 3.5 years since the last edition of this benchmark. Well what to say? I almost had a new edition ready a year ago and then the job hunt got too intense and now the heat wave in Berlin delayed me. You don’t want your computer running at max capacity for an extended period, trust me.Well, you aren’t here to hear about why there hasn’t been a new edition in so long, you’re here to read about the new edition! Most likely you’re here to look at graphs and see what’s the fastest ruby implementation out there. And I swear we’ll get to it but there’s some context to establish first. Of course, feel free to skip ahead if you just want the numbers.Well, let’s do this!.
The great Rubykon Benchmark 2020: CRuby vs JRuby vs TruffleRuby #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #great #Rubykon #Benchmark #2020: #CRuby #JRuby #TruffleRuby #benchmark #jruby