The Bike Shed: 296: Speedy Performance with Nate Berkopec
17-Jun-2021 1920
ABOUT THIS EPISODENate Berkopec is the author of the Complete Guide to Rails Performance, the creator of the Rails Performance Workshop, and the co-maintainer of Puma. He talks with Steph about being known as "The Rails Speed Guy," and how he ended up with that title, publishing content, working on workshops, and also contributing to open source projects. (You could say he's kind of a busy guy!)SpeedshopPumaThe Rails Performance WorkshopThe Complete Guide to Rails PerformanceHow To Use Turbolinks to Make Fast Rails AppsSidekiqFollow Nate Berkopec on TwitterVisit Nate's WebsiteSign up for Nate's Speedshop Ruby Performance Newsletter.
The Bike Shed: 296: Speedy Performance with Nate Berkopec #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Shed: #Speedy #Performance #Berkopec #performance