The Best Ruby HTTP clients for 2021
28-Apr-2021 1404
How does one choose the perfect HTTP Client? The Ruby ecosystem offers a wealth of gems to make an HTTP request. Some are pure Ruby, some are based on Ruby's native Net::HTTP, and some are wrappers for existing libraries or Ruby bindings for libcurl. In this article, I will present the most popular gems by providing a short description and code snippets of making a request to the Dad Jokes API. The gems will be provided in the order from the most-downloaded one to the least. To conclude I will compare them all in a table format and provide a quick summary, as well as guidance on which gem to choose.Note: Although there is a multitude of gems at your disposal, I will present the most popular ones, which I define by the number of downloads and Github stars.
The Best Ruby HTTP clients for 2021 #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #clients