The Benchmarks Every Rails App Should Be Hitting
14-Dec-2019 1907
This week, I wanted to clue you in to 12 different "health indicators" or "benchmarks" that I use when consulting to evaluate the overall health of a Rails application. For each one, I'll share a little bit about how I came up with it, what it means, and how you can fix it if you're scoring poorly on it.As always, there are sometimes good reasons to be on the "bad side" of these indicators. All applications are not created equal. However, you should have a good reason to score poorly. If you're scoring poorly on one of these indicators and you don't know why or you know the reason and it's not a good one, you should think about that. That's what these indicators are for - starting conversations and judging yourself against the "average" Rails app.
The Benchmarks Every Rails App Should Be Hitting #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Benchmarks #Every #Rails #Should #Hitting #benchmarks