Terminal mine hunting game.
16-Dec-2021 1199
Terminal mine hunting game. Contribute to piotrmurach/minehunter development by creating an account on GitHub.Minehunter is a terminal puzzle game inspired by the classic "Minesweeper".To win a game, a player needs to uncover all the fields inside the grid that don't contain mines. Uncovering a field with a mine immediately ends the game. When an uncovered field has no mine present, it can either be empty or show a number. The number specifies how many mines are in surrounding fields. Armed with this knowledge, the player can deduce fields safe to uncover and use a flag to mark the ones that hide a mine. The number of available flags matches the number of the randomly placed mines. But, the player is not required to use any flags to win the game.
Terminal mine hunting game. #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Terminal #hunting #game. https://rubyonrails.ba/link/terminal-mine-hunting-game