24-Sep-2020 1558
Taptag is a Ruby gem for interacting with the Waveshare PN532 NFC HAT for Raspberry Pi. It provides a ruby wrapper around the provided C code, with easy mechanisms to identify tags, encrypt and encode information, and read and write data to the NFC tags.Examples code be found in bin/example for basic tasks like uid, reading / writing tags, and handling encrypted and plaintext data written to tags. Also included are setup instructions for getting your Raspberry Pi ready to use the HAT and the Gem. You can find these in RASPI_SETUP.md, and the associated scripts in bin/pi. Finally, there are associated tests in the spec folder which can be run with the aid of a test runner at spec/test_runner.rb.
Taptag #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Taptag https://rubyonrails.ba/link/taptag