Taking off the Heroku training wheels: the Rails preflight checklist
10-Aug-2022 979
An opinionated guide for small teams on setting up Heroku to deploy Rails applications—with pleasure.You’ll hardly find a Ruby on Rails developer who has never tried to deploy their applications via Heroku, a cloud-based platform which innovated how we deliver code from development to production. The git push heroku main flow is pure magic, but in order for it to work, you need to tweak your application a little bit. Today, I’d like to share my checklist targeted to small teams going live with Heroku.
Taking off the Heroku training wheels: the Rails preflight checklist #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Taking #Heroku #training #wheels: #Rails #preflight #checklist #heroku https://rubyonrails.ba/link/taking-off-the-heroku-training-wheels-the-rails-preflight-checklist