Tailor-made load testing for web apps
02-Feb-2024 825
Many good tools already exist for a very long time such as ApacheBench and Siege. The goal is not to replace them. But sometimes, load testing a web app requires to write a custom scenario. My initial requirement was to send requests with unique parameters. To the best of my knowledge, no tool could do this.The goal is to focus only on the scenario without thinking about forking, threads and non blocking IOs. Fortunately there is Typhoeus to send parallel HTTP requests.I wrote a blog post where I share my load testing habits. If you are here, that might interest you.
Tailor-made load testing for web apps #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Tailor-made #testing #testing #web https://rubyonrails.ba/link/tailor-made-load-testing-for-web-apps