Stimulus 3 Turbo 7 = Hotwire 1.0
30-Sep-2021 1880
For so long, it felt like I could only tell half the story of how we make software for the web at Basecamp. Too many of the chapters about our front-end approach were missing key pages. Sure, we had some of it out there. Turbolinks, for example, hark back to 2012, when I was inspired by Chris Wanstrath's ideas in pjax, and took them further. And Stimulus can trace its origin to the Christmas 2016, when I spiked the first concept in an attempt to unify all the JavaScript patterns we had in Basecamp. But it was never... complete. Now it is.
Stimulus 3 Turbo 7 = Hotwire 1.0 #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Stimulus #Turbo #Hotwire #hotwire #stimulus #turbo