Sorbet Journey, Part 4: Sorbet Stability | Alex’s Blag
29-May-2021 1343
Our original goal was to be able to refactor and develop with confidence on our “mature” Rails codebase. It had reached a size where it was hard to hold all the pieces in your head, and subsystems were stable enough that they wouldn’t need any dev time for months on end.We hoped that adding types would…surface existing subtle bugs,prevent collateral damage when refactoring, andallow us to move thoughtfully and not break things.We added types incrementally, usually whenever we started working in a new area of the codebase.We started with models, then moved on to service classes, internal libraries and background workers. We typed a handful of view helpers (which were surprisingly buggy) and mailers.We still have not typed any controllers yet.
Sorbet Journey, Part 4: Sorbet Stability | Alex’s Blag #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Sorbet #Journey, #Sorbet #Stability #Alex’s