slevithan/oniguruma-to-es: Convert patterns from Oniguruma (the regex engine used by Ruby, TextMate grammars, etc.) to native JavaScript RegExp
06-Dec-2024 181
An Oniguruma to JavaScript regex transpiler that runs in the browser and on your server. Use it to:
Take advantage of Oniguruma's many extended regex features in JavaScript.
Run regexes written for Oniguruma from JavaScript, such as those used in TextMate grammars (used by VS Code, Shiki syntax highlighter, etc.).
Share regexes across your Ruby and JavaScript code.
slevithan/oniguruma-to-es: Convert patterns from Oniguruma (the regex engine used by Ruby, TextMate grammars, etc.) to native JavaScript RegExp #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #slevithan/oniguruma-to-es: #Convert #patterns #Oniguruma #regex #engine #Ruby, #TextMate #grammars, #etc.) #native #JavaScript #RegExp #engine #javascript