Setup and test Rails 6.0 with RSpec, FactoryBot, and Devise
31-Dec-2019 2558
RSpec is a great tool to test your code and helps prevent bugs during development. It’s especially helpful after returning to a codebase that you’re not as familiar with anymore, or after a large refactoring where lots of pieces are being moved around. It’s a little more work up front, but the peace of mind it can provide is well worth it.In this guide, I’ll walk you though how to setup RSpec with FactoryBot (formerly known as FactoryGirl) and make everything play nicely with Devise.
Setup and test Rails 6.0 with RSpec, FactoryBot, and Devise #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Setup #Rails #RSpec, #FactoryBot, #Devise #devise #rspec, #test