Ruby ORM for Amazon's DynamoDB.
28-May-2020 2770
Dynamoid is an ORM for Amazon's DynamoDB for Ruby applications. It provides similar functionality to ActiveRecord and improves on Amazon's existing HashModel by providing better searching tools and native association support.DynamoDB is not like other document-based databases you might know, and is very different indeed from relational databases. It sacrifices anything beyond the simplest relational queries and transactional support to provide a fast, cost-efficient, and highly durable storage solution. If your database requires complicated relational queries and transaction support, then this modest Gem cannot provide them for you, and neither can DynamoDB. In those cases you would do better to look elsewhere for your database needs.But if you want a fast, scalable, simple, easy-to-use database (and a Gem that supports it) then look no further!.
Ruby ORM for Amazon's DynamoDB. #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Amazon's #DynamoDB.