Ruby GraphQL field notes - Ryan Bigg
26-Jan-2023 1085
Here’s a series of my notes of working within a GraphQL application as I can think of them. This comes out of my work on Twist’s GraphQL API, and other GraphQL APIs that are deployed in production.Overall sentiment is that GraphQL is an improvement over the classic REST approach because:It gives you clear types of fieldsYou can choose which fields you wish to selectYou can choose to select from a single resource, or from multiple, disparate resources at the same time.I like its interoperability between Ruby and JavaScript, with good tooling existing on both sides of that divide in the GraphQL Rubygem and the Apollo Client on the JavaScript side of things. Honorable mention to the GraphQL codegen library too, which provides the ability of generating TypeScript types from a GraphQL schema.
Ruby GraphQL field notes - Ryan Bigg #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #GraphQL #field #notes