Rodauth, A Authentication for Ruby and Rails – JetRockets
11-Aug-2023 1038
Within the Rails community, we have witnessed a series of transitions and advancements. We have evolved from Bootstrap to Tailwind, replacing JQuery with Backbone and later adopting Stimulus for front-end development. Our deployment practices have seen shifts from Vlad the Deployer and Capistrano to the utilization of Docker and MRSK, providing more flexibility and efficiency. In terms of background processing, we have embraced the power of Sidekiq, moving away from Delayed Job and Rescue. These continuous improvements reflect Rails community commitment to streamlining workflows, enhancing our technology stack and productivity.
Rodauth, A Authentication for Ruby and Rails – JetRockets #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Rodauth, #Authentication #Rails #JetRockets #authentication