RBS, duck-typing, meta-programming, and typing at httpx · HTTPX
12-Nov-2020 1815
Ruby 3 is just around the corner, and with the recent release candidate, there’s been some experimentation in the ruby community, along with the usual posts, comments and unavoidable rants.Ruby 3 has 3 major features:JIT (since 2.6 in experimental mode)RactorsThread.scheduler, aka autofibersGradual typing (via rbs)(aaaaand we’re off by one)From the point of view of httpx, JIT is implicit, and Ractors won’t do much for it (although I have to make sure if calls can be made across ractors). The autofibers feature seems to be interesting, and will be experimented with at some point.
RBS, duck-typing, meta-programming, and typing at httpx · HTTPX #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #duck-typing, #meta-programming, #typing #httpx #HTTPX https://rubyonrails.ba/link/rbs-duck-typing-meta-programming-and-typing-at-httpx-httpx