Railsconf Detroit 2024: A Co-chair’s Perspective - Andy Croll
24-May-2024 718
At the time I didn’t feel like a RailsConf could be changed that much from what it had become. In some ways a bit over-programmed, intimidating and overwhelming to attend or speak at (as I had in 2022 and 2023). Plus it was terrifying, the costs and logistics alone felt like a full time job. And it was on a different continent. And I couldn’t choose a venue, which is a big part of Brighton Ruby’s vibe.I was looking forward to just attending to hang out with RubyFriends—with the side benefit support Ruby Central financially—I just didn’t want to spend the weeks of time to put together a talk this year.
Railsconf Detroit 2024: A Co-chair’s Perspective - Andy Croll #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Railsconf #Detroit #2024: #Co-chair’s #Perspective #Croll https://rubyonrails.ba/link/railsconf-detroit-2024-a-co-chair-s-perspective-andy-croll