RailsConf 2024 Recap - Kevin Murphy
18-May-2024 630
RailsConf recently wrapped up in Detroit, Michigan. This post is meant to highlight the great work from all involved. I hope you’ll seek out the full videos of all the sessions that interest you once they are available. Unfortunately, I couldn’t be everywhere, so this covers what I saw.I’ve separately compiled a list of brief takeaways.Preparing 🔗I had a bit of work to do leading up to the conference. It was my honor and pleasure to serve on the Program Committee for RailsConf this year. Mainly this meant reading all of the proposals. And then the even more difficult work to whittle that down to our program.The committee broke into smaller groups. I was on the tracks group, even though we didn’t have formal tracks. We helped put the schedule together. We provided feedback to those who asked for it about their proposal. I also tried to be as available as possible to any other groups who needed a hand.
RailsConf 2024 Recap - Kevin Murphy #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #RailsConf #Recap #Kevin #Murphy https://rubyonrails.ba/link/railsconf-2024-recap-kevin-murphy