RailsConf 2022 - Upgrading Rails: Everyone can do it and here’s how by Andrea Fomera - YouTube
19-Jul-2022 1233
Ever felt overwhelmed when figuring out how to upgrade a Rails app? Unsure where you should begin? We’ll talk about how upgrading should be treated as a feature, and how you can get buy-in from management for upgrading Rails. Have you heard about how GitHub or Shopify uses dual-booting to run two versions of Rails at once and wondered how that works? We’ll talk about three approaches you can use to upgrade your app. You’ll leave this talk with takeaways you can put into practice for your next Rails upgrade.
RailsConf 2022 - Upgrading Rails: Everyone can do it and here’s how by Andrea Fomera - YouTube #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #RailsConf #Upgrading #Rails: #Everyone #here’s #Andrea #Fomera #YouTube #youtube https://rubyonrails.ba/link/railsconf-2022-upgrading-rails-everyone-can-do-it-and-here-s-how-by-andrea-fomera-youtube