RailsConf 2022: 10 Shopify Tech Talks You Might Have Missed — Development
30-Aug-2022 1013
“We need the videos” was the refrain from engineers following the 16th edition of RailsConf. Back in May, the annual event returned to an in-person format after two years of COVID restrictions, taking over the Oregon Convention Center in Portland for three days. Several of Shopify’s Ruby on Rails team members attended, and a dozen or so gave talks on topics ranging from virtual machines, performance improvements, and the benefits of investing in open-source teams.We recapped RailsConf shortly after it wrapped—and now organizer Ruby Central has posted videos from the various talks and workshops online. Watch all the Shopify talks below, or via this YouTube Playlist.
RailsConf 2022: 10 Shopify Tech Talks You Might Have Missed — Development #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #RailsConf #2022: #Shopify #Talks #Might #Missed #Development #development #shopify https://rubyonrails.ba/link/railsconf-2022-10-shopify-tech-talks-you-might-have-missed-development