RailsCasts Pro episodes are now free!
29-Jun-2017 3286
RailsCasts Pro episodes are now free!June 27, 2017It has been four years since I last produced a RailsCasts episode, and I feel it is time to release all paid content for free. Anyone can now watch all Pro and Revised episodes!Thank you very much to everyone who supported me. You have all helped change my life in a big way. The Rails community is amazing and a pleasure to be a part of. I have received so much love and encouragement from the community, and even the criticisms were constructive and positive.Teaching is my passion, but my transition to working on RailsCasts full time is the primary cause for me burning out. It is difficult to come up with content that is not extracted from a real application. Manufacturing scenarios to see if ideas have practical application turned out to be an exhasting and time consuming proccess.I may one day return to RailsCasts or some form of teaching, but in the meantime I am just starting to get back into Rails development by working for reinteractive. I am excited to see where this takes me and look forward to getting back into the community. See you around!--Ryan.
RailsCasts Pro episodes are now free! #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #RailsCasts #episodes #free! https://rubyonrails.ba/link/railscasts-pro-episodes-are-now-free