Rails Scaffolding and TDD Are Incompatible - Code with Jason
29-Nov-2018 1970
Learning Rails testing is pretty hard. There are a lot of principles and tools to learn. Getting comfortable with testing in Rails (or any framework) often takes developers years.Compounding the difficulty is TDD. If I’m just starting out with testing, should I learn TDD? Writing tests at all is hard enough. How am I supposed to write a test first?And if the “testing TDD” combo doesn’t generate enough cognitive turmoil, “testing TDD scaffolding” makes the scenario even murkier.
Rails Scaffolding and TDD Are Incompatible - Code with Jason #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Rails #Scaffolding #Incompatible #Jason #code https://rubyonrails.ba/link/rails-scaffolding-and-tdd-are-incompatible-code-with-jason