Rails Domain Redirects
03-Nov-2023 1071
For many reasons, including SEO, public-facing websites should only be available at a single domain. Many hosting providers (especially PaaS-like platforms such as Heroku and Fly.io) make apps available at a default URL. For example, Heroku apps are available at my-app-name.herokuapp.com. If those default URLs make it out into the wild, search engines might index them, resulting in indexed duplicated content. Historically, search engines have punished websites that serve duplicated content.At Super Good, we host many Solidus apps on Heroku. Due to the nature of eCommerce, SEO is critically important to us, so we need to avoid this issue.
Rails Domain Redirects #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Rails #Domain #Redirects https://rubyonrails.ba/link/rails-domain-redirects