Rails 7: Switch Webpacker with esbuild While Using Tailwind and Docker — Nick Janetakis
24-Dec-2021 2173
This set up gives you a flexible JavaScript and CSS environment that's lightning fast. I decided to use Node too but that's ok!If you prefer video I recorded a video going over all of these points as well as going over the code in a before / after state. The before and after is only covered on video since it’s more natural for that type of comparison.Over the years I’ve been maintaining an example Rails app that’s set up to use Docker / Docker Compose. It pulls together Rails, Sidekiq, Postgres, Redis, Action Cable, Hotwire Turbo / Stimulus and TailwindCSS.
Rails 7: Switch Webpacker with esbuild While Using Tailwind and Docker — Nick Janetakis #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Rails #Switch #Webpacker #esbuild #While #Using #Tailwind #Docker #Janetakis #docker #esbuild #tailwind #webpacker https://rubyonrails.ba/link/rails-7-switch-webpacker-with-esbuild-while-using-tailwind-and-docker-nick-janetakis