Rails 6.1 RC2: Horizontal Sharding, Multi-DB Improvements, Strict Loading, Destroy Associations in Background, Error Objects, and more!
03-Dec-2020 2044
The second release candidate for Rails 6.1 has been released and brings a more robust experience for those already trying this version. We’ve been hard at work tweaking and adjusting the nobs to have so using this version is a smooth ride to everyone. The final release is scheduled to happen next week.It’s amazing how Rails has grown over the years and while we have some improvements to make to the onboarding process, Rails has never been better. The features in this release focus on adding the functionality you need to keep your application up and running for years to come.Let’s look at some of the new functionality:.
Rails 6.1 RC2: Horizontal Sharding, Multi-DB Improvements, Strict Loading, Destroy Associations in Background, Error Objects, and more! #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Rails #Horizontal #Sharding, #Multi-DB #Improvements, #Strict #Loading, #Destroy #Associations #Background, #Error #Objects, #more! #error https://rubyonrails.ba/link/rails-6-1-rc2-horizontal-sharding-multi-db-improvements-strict-loading-destroy-associations-in-background-error-objects-and-more