Pulling the trigger: How to update counter caches in your Rails app without Active Record callbacks
21-Nov-2019 1638
In this article, we experiment with triggers as a tool for keeping aggregated data consistent when using Active Record and your favorite SQL database. Instead of using sophisticated tools such as ElasticSearch for filtering and searching, we will demonstrate a simple approach that achieves the same result with some out-of-the-box database features. As a bonus, learn how to avoid nasty race conditions!.
Pulling the trigger: How to update counter caches in your Rails app without Active Record callbacks #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Pulling #trigger: #update #counter #caches #Rails #without #Active #Record #callbacks #active #callbacks #record https://rubyonrails.ba/link/pulling-the-trigger-how-to-update-counter-caches-in-your-rails-app-without-active-record-callbacks