Performance comparison by reading terminal logs - Ruby 2.6.4 VS Ruby 2.7.0 | RubyOnRails
19-Apr-2022 1655
Playing with one of my current projects I wanted to do some simple terminal log comparison by running sites Dashboard controller few times.In testing I used Rails 6.0.1 and Ruby 2.6.4 Vs Rails and Ruby 2.7.0Testing was done on my local development environment manually! Obviously this is not a proper testing methodology. But I am curious can we see any changes even testing app like this and I think I had some differences.
Performance comparison by reading terminal logs - Ruby 2.6.4 VS Ruby 2.7.0 | RubyOnRails #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Performance #comparison #reading #terminal #2.6.4 #2.7.0 #RubyOnRails #performance