OptCarrot: An Excellent CPU Benchmark for Ruby 3x3
28-Sep-2017 3661
You may have read here about my benchmarking attempts for Ruby 3x3. In addition, there are various small benchmarks in the Ruby source and several other aggregations of benchmarks.But the other major benchmark currently used for Ruby 3x3 is called OptCarrot. It's written by Yusuke Endoh (aka mametter, aka mame.) It's a very well-designed benchmark. Let's talk a bit about why, shall we?.
OptCarrot: An Excellent CPU Benchmark for Ruby 3x3 #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #OptCarrot: #Excellent #Benchmark #benchmark https://rubyonrails.ba/link/optcarrot-an-excellent-cpu-benchmark-for-ruby-3x3