Noteflakes: Explaining Ruby Fibers
21-Oct-2021 1254
Fibers have long been a neglected corner of the Ruby core API. Introduced in Ruby version 1.9 as a coroutine abstraction, fibers have never really seemed to realize their promise of lightweight concurrency, and remain relatively little explored. In spite of attempts to employ them for achieving concurrency, most notably em-synchrony, fibers have not caught on. Hopefully, with the advent of the FiberScheduler interface introduced in Ruby 3.0, and libraries such as Async and Polyphony, this situation will change and fibers will become better known and understood, and Ruby developers will be able to use them to their full potential.
Noteflakes: Explaining Ruby Fibers #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Noteflakes: #Explaining #Fibers