No One Cares — Sinatra, a Ruby micro-framework
24-Jun-2019 2133
Sinatra, as a framework, lets you CRUD within a RESTful structure, thus Creating, Reading, Updating, and Deleting data via a web browser. It does this through standardized RESTful conventions like GET and POST. With Sinatra, you can make things like a simple website, blog, or barebones content management system.As our mod geared up towards Sinatra, some peers from earlier mods I’ve spoken to described this little framework with a slight tinge of disdain, as in “Eww, you’re going to start using Sinatra”. And any time someone made an icky face about Sinatra to a noob like myself, it reminded me of the album cover for Frank’s seminal work “No One Cares”, a collection of heart-brake and love-struck songs depicting how even a staple like Sinatra himself, also gets no love.
No One Cares — Sinatra, a Ruby micro-framework #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Cares — Sinatra, #micro-framework