Migrating Selenium system tests to Cuprite
07-Oct-2021 2040
In our project, we’ve been running system tests (then called rather "Feature tests") since around 2016. System tests use a real browser in the background and test all layers of a Rails application at once: from the database all the way up to the nuances of JavaScript loaded together with the web pages. Back then, we wrote our system tests using Capybara with Poltergeist, a driver that ran a headless Phantom JS browser. Since this browser stopped being actively developed, we migrated our test suite to the Selenium / Webdriver wrapper around Chrome browser around ~2018. Chrome was itself fine for tests automation but the Selenium API was quite limited and we had to rewrite several Poltergeist features using 3rd party gems and tools.
Migrating Selenium system tests to Cuprite #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Migrating #Selenium #system #tests #Cuprite #tests https://rubyonrails.ba/link/migrating-selenium-system-tests-to-cuprite