Markdown Tutorial Using Redcarpet and Coedray Gems
27-Aug-2021 2559
We have seen many blogs having markdown support. We can add links, images, videos, and gifs to any article having markdown support. Thinking about content without worrying about the blog’s presentation makes it easy for bloggers to make great content. In this guide, we will implement a blog app to write articles with markdown support. Active Storage is used in Rails to add support for uploading media (images, videos, and gifs) present in your system that we can add in the article. For now, we can add images, videos, or gifs by using their URL (if they are already present on the web).
Markdown Tutorial Using Redcarpet and Coedray Gems #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Markdown #Tutorial #Using #Redcarpet #Coedray #gems #tutorial