Low-level Query Caching in Rails
06-Jul-2021 1666
Almost every day we talk about "performance". It is one of the most crucial parts of problem-solving. In context of web-development, performance can be attributed to how fast the sever is responding to client's requests. It can be dependent on a lot of factors but the one which I am interested in is caching. Caching is the silver bullet used in almost every web application to provide a seamless experience to its users.Caching in RailsRails has various different kinds of caching like Page Caching, Action Caching, Fragment Caching, Low-level Query Caching, etc. We will talk about the last one that is the Low-level Query Caching.
Low-level Query Caching in Rails #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Low-level #Query #Caching #Rails https://rubyonrails.ba/link/low-level-query-caching-in-rails