Logidze 1.0: Active Record, Postgres, Rails, and time travel
27-Jan-2021 2086
Logidze is a Ruby library to track Active Record changes: whenever a record is updated in the underlying PostgreSQL database, Logidze stores the difference between the old and the new state, allowing you to time travel to any point in the record’s past. It is the fastest gem for auditing models in the Rails ecosystem, has been around for five years, and has just matured to 1.0, becoming even easier to use!.
Logidze 1.0: Active Record, Postgres, Rails, and time travel #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Logidze #Active #Record, #Postgres, #Rails, #travel #active #record, https://rubyonrails.ba/link/logidze-1-0-active-record-postgres-rails-and-time-travel