Let's Scale Your Ruby on Rails Application!
18-Apr-2019 2877
I was having a fruitful discussion with one of my colleagues – Ruby on Rails developer, Pratik Panchal, regarding absolute inconvenience we had with web frameworks. He told how difficult it was developing PHP web applications lacking debugger, but by the time the applications took the help of Ruby and migrated to the Rails.On the other hand, I stated it was sceptical how web framework ran on the thread-per-request model. My reasons for disbelieving the framework were application performance and scalability. But to my surprise, Pratik bought an interesting point to my attention that I have not considered earlier – process-shared-sessions.
Let's Scale Your Ruby on Rails Application! #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Let's #Scale #Rails #Application! #application! https://rubyonrails.ba/link/let-s-scale-your-ruby-on-rails-application