Let's make apps on mruby/c for M5Stack(ESP32)
26-Jun-2019 2571
Sometime I see MicroPython about this topic. I think this is going to be the most common way for this purpose recently. M5Stack is officially support it on M5Clould.https://micropython.org/But I like Ruby!So I was interested in mruby some years ago1.The core of M5Stack is ESP32, ESP32 has 520KB SRAM. This is quite big amount of RAM in the world of micro processor.We can use mruby on ESP32.https://github.com/mruby-esp32/mruby-esp32(I would also like to contribute it.).
Let's make apps on mruby/c for M5Stack(ESP32) #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Let's #mruby/c #M5Stack(ESP32) https://rubyonrails.ba/link/let-s-make-apps-on-mruby-c-for-m5stack-esp32