jeromedalbert/rubocop-obsession: RuboCop extension focused on higher-level concepts, like checking that code reads from top to bottom
01-Nov-2024 240
A RuboCop extension that focuses on higher-level concepts, like checking that code reads from top to bottom, or only unit testing public methods. There are some lower-level cops as well.
Use the provided cops as is, or as inspiration to build custom cops aligned with your project's best practices.
Does your project have any cool custom cops that you think others might benefit from? Then please open a PR!.
jeromedalbert/rubocop-obsession: RuboCop extension focused on higher-level concepts, like checking that code reads from top to bottom #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #jeromedalbert/rubocop-obsession: #RuboCop #extension #focused #higher-level #concepts, #checking #reads #bottom #code