Iteration and Sidekiq 7.3.0 | Mike Perham
05-Jul-2024 656
Sidekiq is the most popular background job framework for Ruby and works really well if you follow the design guidelines: keep your jobs short and idempotent. What happens if you have a job which processes a large amount of data serially, the infamous long-running job? In that case, deployments can lead to the job failing mid-way because the job will not gracefully allow the Sidekiq process to restart. To fix this, Sidekiq 7.3 just shipped with a major new feature: Iterable Jobs.
Iteration and Sidekiq 7.3.0 | Mike Perham #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Iteration #Sidekiq #7.3.0 #Perham #sidekiq