Integrating Bootstrap 4 into Rails 6
28-Jun-2019 2311
Alright, we are getting close to being done with setup! However, we should digress a bit in regards to Webpacker.Webpacker is the Ruby (Rails mostly) wrapper gem around the Javascript tool, Webpack. Webpack is a tool that allows you to pre-process, bundle and use ES6 like syntax inside Javascript. Webpacker then takes all of those features and starts to merge the ES6 Javascript world with the Asset pipeline for CSS and other more static assets.Webpacker introduces a concept of "packs" which are ES6 syntax Javascript files that you can then include in any template with a pack_tag helper. Think of packs as entry points of javascript files into specific spots in a Rails app.
Integrating Bootstrap 4 into Rails 6 #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Integrating #Bootstrap #Rails #bootstrap