Howto migrate from Webpacker to cssbundling-rails in Ruby on Rails for CSS - Team Qameta
10-Mar-2023 915
A lot of Ruby on Rails applications created with Ruby on Rails version 5.x or 6.x or even upgraded from the previous versions are using webpacker as their primary asset pipeline. But now as webpacker has retired, it is time to move on. cssbundling-rails is or will be the most obvious step to go.If you were using webpack(er) for CSS too as I did, I recommend moving your CSS pipeline to an alternative before moving your JavaScript setup to an alternative like jsbundling-rails or importmap-rails.
Howto migrate from Webpacker to cssbundling-rails in Ruby on Rails for CSS - Team Qameta #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Howto #migrate #Webpacker #cssbundling-rails #Rails #Qameta #cssbundling-rails #webpacker