How we migrated from Sidekiq to Solid Queue - BigBinary Blog
06-Mar-2024 760
BigBinary is building a suite of products under neeto. We currently have around 22 products under development and all of the products are using Sidekiq. After the launch of Solid Queue, we decided to migrate neetoForm from Sidekiq to Solid Queue.Please note that Solid Queue currently doesn't support cron-style or recurring jobs. There is a PR open regarding this issue. We have only partially migrated to Solid Queue. For recurring jobs, we are still using Sidekiq. Once the PR is merged, we will migrate completely to Solid Queue.
How we migrated from Sidekiq to Solid Queue - BigBinary Blog #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #migrated #Sidekiq #Solid #Queue #BigBinary #bigbinary #blog #sidekiq