How to Migrate a Rails 6 App From sass-rails to cssbundling-rails
21-Oct-2021 1271
At Kolide (btw we're hiring), we move swiftly to adopt to new versions of Ruby, Rails, and other major dependencies within a few months of them becoming available. We are at our happiest when we get to use the latest language and framework features. Additionally, forging ahead to uncharted waters allows us to contribute back bug reports, PRs, and guides for other rubyists also interested on being on the bleeding edge.To that end, I wanted to share our recent experience with upgrading our production Rails 6.1 app from sprockets/sass-rails to the brand-new cssbundling-rails. If you are considering an eventual transition to Rails 7, this is a great first step in that direction.
How to Migrate a Rails 6 App From sass-rails to cssbundling-rails #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Migrate #Rails #sass-rails #cssbundling-rails #cssbundling-rails #sass-rails