How to Create a Simple CRUD App with Rails and React · James Hibbard
13-Feb-2019 2956
Most web applications need to persist data in one form or other. When working with a server-side language, this is normally a straightforward task. However when you add a front-end JavaScript framework to the mix, things start to get a bit trickier.In this tutorial I am going to demonstrate how to build a JSON API using Ruby on Rails and then code a fully-functional React frontend to interact with the API. The app we’ll be building is an event manager, which will let you create and manage a list of academic events (I work for a university).The app will showcase basic CRUD functionality and will add a couple of extra features (such as a datepicker and search). To integrate the React frontend with the Rails backend, I’ll be using the Webpacker gem, which will ship as the default JavaScript bundler for Rails 6.
How to Create a Simple CRUD App with Rails and React · James Hibbard #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Create #Simple #Rails #React #James #Hibbard #crud #react