How To Build Desktop Applications in Ruby (Andy Maleh)
01-Dec-2023 816
Please star ("⭐️") this project and Glimmer DSL for LibUI to save for later reference with regards to Ruby Desktop Development. Glimmer DSL for LibUI was used in this workshop because it is the simplest and quickest to setup in standard Ruby (aka MRI / CRuby), but the lessons learned are applicable to other Glimmer GUI DSLs (with some syntax variations), including more mature ones like Glimmer DSL for SWT, which might be better for more serious usage after finishing the workshop. If you discover any issues or get stuck while going through the material of this repo, please report them in GitHub issues or discuss in the Glimmer Gitter Chat.
How To Build Desktop Applications in Ruby (Andy Maleh) #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Build #Desktop #Applications #(Andy #Maleh) #applications