How many Heroku dynos do you need, and which size
03-Sep-2020 1592
A few important supplemental notes to the comparison chart above:Monthly dyno cost from top to bottom: $0 (Free), $7 (Hobby), $25 (Standard-1x), $50 (Standard-2x), $250 (Perf-M), $500 (Perf-L).Free, Hobby, and Standard-1x dynos are identical performance-wise, but Heroku imposes some feature limitations on Free and Hobby. More on these limitations below.The two Performance-level dynos run on dedicated hardware. The four Standard dynos run on shared hardware, where we're susceptible to "noisy neighbors" and somewhat ambiguous processing power (Heroku does not explain what the "Compute" metric represents).With that as our high-level view, let's go into each dyno type in detail.
How many Heroku dynos do you need, and which size #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Heroku #dynos #need, #which #heroku