How I migrated a Rails app from Webpack to esbuild and got smaller and faster JS builds | Arkency Blog
01-Sep-2022 1149
In the last week, I have been responsible for migrating a pretty big (300k lines of JS code) project from Webpack 4 to esbuild. In our Rails project, we were using Webpacker to integrate our JS stack with the main application. For the last months, we were struggling with very long builds and also were locked into Webpack 4 as Webpacker became a deprecated library. When a few Webpack 4 dependencies received their CVE, we decided it was time to switch to some other bundler.
How I migrated a Rails app from Webpack to esbuild and got smaller and faster JS builds | Arkency Blog #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #migrated #Rails #Webpack #esbuild #smaller #faster #builds #Arkency #blog #esbuild #webpack